Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Drill zone request on Fannin Farms Drill Site located at 2400 Kuykendall Arlington, TX

4 new wells planned with drilling to start February 2018....

Notice of Public Hearing Case Number:  SUP09-03R2

Planning and Zoning Commission Public Hearing Date:  8/2/2017

City Council Public Hearing Date:  9/5/2017

Applicant:  Mycoskie McInnis & Associates represented by Jacob Sumpter
Applicant Address:  200 East Abram Street, Arlington Texas
Telephone Number:  817-469-1671
Site Location:  2322 Eden Rd; generally located south of Eden Road & West of South Cooper Street.
Current Zoning:  Residential Single-Family 7.2 (RS-7.2) with a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for gas drilling
Request:  Amendment to SUP for gas drilling
General Description of Applicant's Proposed Uses:  Establishment of the drill zone

This notice was sent to you because the latest Tax Roll lists you as an owner of property located within 600 feet of a pending specific use permit (SUP) request (refer to the location map on the back).

In considering this SUP request, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council must each hold a public hearing.  Planning and Zoning Commission hearings are held no earlier than 5:30 p.m. and City Council hearings are held no earlier than 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber at City Hall, 101 West Abram Street, Arlington, Texas.  All persons attending these hearings will be given an opportunity to present their spoken or written comments.

The Planning and Zoning Commission is charged with issuing a recommendation to the City Council concerning this SUP request and is scheduled to hold a public hearing on the first date shown above.  The City Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing and First Reading vote on the second date shown above.  The City Council is authorized to refuse this requested SUP, grant it, or make modifications to the request, as the City Council deems appropriate.

The City has a process in place for property owners wishing to submit a Petition of Opposition to an SUP request.  The effect of such a petition, when it meets all City requirements, is to require a favorable vote of ¾ of all the members of the City Council to approve the requested SUP.  The Petition must be received by the City Secretary’s Office before the close of the City Council Public Hearing at First Reading, although Petitions should be submitted as early as possible to allow proper verification.  Persons interested in submitting a protest are strongly encouraged to contact the Community Development and Planning Department for information on requirements concerning Petition verification and format.  Official Petition forms are available from the Community Development and Planning Department which is located at City Hall.

A similar notice will be sent to you if either hearing is rescheduled.  Please contact Jessica Youngblood, Gas Well Coordinator in Community Development and Planning at 817-459-6520 if you would like additional information about this requested SUP09-03R2.

Information on the SUP process is also available on CD&P’s webpage:
Arlington City Web Site

NOTE: Please review the 2 links below for complete information and please review the 2 maps.
Map - the top picture is a overall map, with the bottom map focused on FANNIN FARMS ENERVEST SITE ... Located at 2400 Kuykendall Dr, Arlington, TX 76001. The drill site is well within the borders of the pad site, located directly on the letters SUP09-3 of the map.

Notice Letter with Map of 8 Gas Well Pads in SW Arlington

Notice Letter from Saddle Operating, LLC

Buy Sell Invest with Hart  for all things home.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Trees and Texas Senate Bill 14....

Thank you for contacting Senator Konni Burton regarding SB 14, relating to a property owner's right to remove a tree or vegetation.  We have recorded your opposition to the bill and passed the information to the senator.

For Senator Burton, SB 14 is purely about property rights, which are one the foundational rights of a free society. Many cities in Texas have passed tree ordinances which require a homeowner to get permission from the city, and/or pay a fee, to remove a tree on their personal property. SB 14 simply prevents a political subdivision from enacting or enforcing such a regulation on residential property owners only. The bill does not restrict a city from regulating trees on commercial or public property, and a homeowners association may continue to oversee tree activity in its jurisdiction.

You may view the details of the bill here: capitol.state - Bill Lookup

Senator Burton will always be on the side of protecting your rights. Thank you, again, for contacting the senator on this issue. We appreciate your input and are grateful for your involvement in the legislative process.


Savannah Schallen
Deputy District Director
State Senator Konni Burton, District 10

Buy Sell Invest with Hart  for all things home. 

Friday, July 21, 2017

Texas Senate Select Committee - Property Tax Relief...

Just wanted to inform you that the Senate Select Committee on Government Reform will be meeting tomorrow to take public testimony concerning SB 1, 93, and 96.  These three bills will  provide much needed property tax relief for all Texas property owners.  You have given testimony in the past and we would ask that you continue to stand with us by testifying in favor of these bill.   We would be honored to have your testimony.

What: Senate Select Committee on Government Reform-Property Tax Relief Hearing
When: Saturday-July 22, 2017
Where: Texas Capitol Extension Auditorium, E1.004
The Hearing begins at 11am.  Witness registration for oral testimony will begin at 10am and ends at2pm.
Contact Phone Number: 512-463 0107

We look forward to seeing you there.

Buy Sell Invest with Hart   for all things home. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Arlington garage sales, proposed new ordinance....TIME TO ACT....

Summary of the meeting Monday night:

As I understand it the purpose of this meeting is to gather public opinion about a proposed ordinance on garage sales, before it is made into an actual ordinance. (See my previous post below). 

Please join or review "Arlington Texas Talk" in Face Book to see the comments about this proposed ordinance. 

Short story is ...... at least 90% of the people I talk with are AGAINST it. Once again it is the few who are causing a problem for the majority. And the few are obvious abusers, i.e. having it all the time, making it commercial, selling brand new items, etc. So my opinion is to drop it all together, or write it in such a way that is is only for the extreme abuser, not applying to "average citizens". 

I will pass on to my network of people that now is the time to ACT by email or telephone with you two to express their opinions to either make an ordinance that restricts the abusers or not have one at all. 

Everyone, TIME TO ACT: 
1) please contact Code Compliance Services Administrator Mike Bass by email at, or you may call him directly at 817-459-5341.
2) please contact your city council member or you may call her at 817-459-6143.

Again thank you for allowing our input prior to making another regulation that we do not need.

Buy, Sell, Invest with Hart.  for all things home.