A response from our City Council Member for District 2:
Thank you citizens for your emails on your thoughts on the ongoing contract negotiations with Republic which expires in August of 2022. Currently, no changes or decisions have been made in our services. Republic has reported that the cost of twice-weekly trash pick up will increase substantially on our next contract because they have a severe manpower shortage- no one wants to work as a trash collector. We have requested pricing information on one-a-week and twice a-week in 2023 so we can evaluate how much the cost to you as a taxpayer for trash service will increase and best determine how to proceed. In the coming months, our committee has asked the City to provide residents multiple opportunities through a series of community engagement opportunities to express their opinions about the City’s garbage and recycling collection program and any possible changes to it. Be sure to check the City’s news website and follow the City’s Facebook and Twitter pages if you are on social media. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for the City’s e-newsletter, and/or sign up for alerts through the City’s CodeRed program. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me with any other questions or concerns. Raul H Gonzalez, City Council - District 2
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