I attended the District 2 Town Hall Meeting tonight at the
Cliff Nelson Rec Center, hosted by Raul Gonzales our City Councilman. Raul.gonzalez@arlingtontx.gov
Brief Summary:
The city is planning to go to once a week trash
service to maintain similar costs.
They will go to a blue bin process for the trash a
similar process as the green recycle bins.
The city will allow residents to choose either a
65-gallon or a 95-gallon bin to be delivered to their home at the start of the
City request you still use plastic trash bags to
place in blue trash bins.
Republic Services contract is up in August of
Currently the city is paying $16.23 a month for our
Therefore we will have 3 trucks going through
our neighborhoods, one day a week. One automated truck for Trash, The second automated
truck for Recycle, and the third truck with one rider for bulk leaves/branches.
(Same truck as we see now for trash).
Estimated date for starting will be sometime
after September 2022.
Currently, Arlington residents set out
bagged trash for twice-a-week curbside collection. The bagged trash is picked
up by hand and placed into the back of a trash truck. Workers are exposed to
safety risks related to extreme weather, working too close to traffic, and
handling trash. These jobs are difficult to fill. Also, the supply of drivers
with commercial driver’s licenses who can drive trash trucks is not keeping up
with future demand.
Because of the decreasing labor supply, major
solid waste operators are discontinuing manual collection. They plan on relying
on automated trucks that can pick up and empty trash carts using a mechanical
arm to collect trash faster and safer. Arlington already uses automated trucks
for recycling service which uses wheeled bins which are picked up once a week.
Further questions can be directed to: Trashpickup@arlingtontx.gov
City-wide automated trash collection will be begin in Arlington for residents by July 1, 2024. Once trash carts are in place, city wide, all curbside collection of trash, recycling, and bulk will be once a week. Details about trash cart delivery, trash cart color, and any changes to residents’ service day will become available six months in advance of the change.
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