Sunday, August 14, 2011

Skate Board Park Master Plan Approved!

After 13 months of public involvement and preparation, the Skate Park Master Plan is in the final draft stage. The Parks and Recreation Board unanimously approved the plan at their meeting on August 8, providing a recommendation to the City Council for their action next week. A public hearing will be conducted to allow citizens an opportunity to show their support or opposition to the plan. Following a brief presentation by City staff, citizens may choose to formally speak at the public hearing or simply fill out a card showing their support or opposition.  PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!

If you are interested in reviewing the proposed master plan, the documents have been updated on the project website with the final draft version. You may access it directly by clicking on this link:

The City Council Public Hearing for the Skate Park Master Plan will be held on Tuesday, August 16, 2011.      City Council Public Hearing - Skate Park Master Plan     Tuesday, August 16, 2011     Council Chamber, City Hall, 101 West Abram Street     6:30 p.m.

1 comment:

  1. Results - City Council passed this due to the support of the 60+ CRI group in attendance who also secured additional funding through the Tony Hawk Foundation. Work to start with the Vandergriff park.
